about us
Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a non-political and non-religious organization open to all.

I want to be a Rotarian for the world,
Make the Rotary flag be a flag of peace unfurled;
I will serve my community,
Help to seek international unity.
Through Rotary, I will dedicate my all,
World understanding shall be my cherished goal.
With the Four Way Test
I will pursue my quest
And if I, in a way help obtain
Peace in the world
Then I won’t have lived in vain.
I’ll observe service above self,
Lend a hand to all who need my help;
I’ll get my spouse to involve in Rotary
And in Rotary ways I will train my family.
With the Four Way Test
We’ll pursue our quest
And if we, in a way help obtain
Peace in the world
Then we won’t have lived in vain.
Build a bridge for tomorrow’s youth,
Strengthened by nothing but the truth;
Let’s join our hands, there’s no reason to divide.
We shall all understand, while the good Lord is our guide.
With the Four Way Test
We’ll pursue our quest
And if we, in a way help obtain
Peace in the world
Then we won’t have lived in vain.
Peace be achived,
So we won’t have lived in vain.
To bring the message of faith, love, and hope to the destitute, the poor, the orphans, the oppressed and the needy and empower them through education, leadership training and dedicated community service.
That the Rotary Club of New Payatas will be known to
be strong organization, rebuilding communities through
service and be catalyst for change in transforming the
lives of the people from poverty, to prosperity, through
education, servant leadership and character building so
that every family will become morally upright,
spiritually strong economically progressive, financially
stable and socially responsible – bearing in mind our
slogan – “ SERVICE ABOVE SELF “.

Brief history of rotary club new payatas
The charter members’ undying love, hope, and faith moved them to charter the Rotary Club of New Payatas. Many of the people have the impression that Payatas symbol of human misery. It, therefore, symbolizes the Filipino nation’s state of life most of whom are living in poverty. The Philippines has been rated as one of the most corrupt country in the world.
This is a moral garbage in itself. The whole country therefore, needs healing and must be rebuilt, It is a beautiful country but it is like a whitewashed tomb: beautiful on the outside, but dead and ugly on the inside. But Payatas should not remain a symbol of misery and poverty.
As a new club, we declared this battle cry against the twin scourge with our Battle Cry:

To develop a program that promotes peace
To conduct a Bloodletting Program
To Conduct Digital Literacy Program
To partner with our adopted school in the upliftment of education
To implement a scholarship program in cooperation with the ACTEC Scholarship Foundation
To support Tech Voc school associations programs and projects
To conduct a Career Guidance Program
our team
The people who do their best to keep the club running